Continuing the work of Malcolm X: Khutbas For Black Liberation

Continuing the work of Malcolm X: Khutbas For Black Liberation August 20, 2016

                                                   The Historic Black Love for Islamic Knowledge. 

Omar Ibn Said (Public Domain)

Many of the African Slaves who were  kidnapped and taken to the Americas were not only Muslims but many of them were scholars and students of knowledge. Omar Ibn Said was traveling back home from extensive Islamic studies when he was kidnapped into slavery.  Having undergoing centuries of slavery, Islam was wiped out among slaves. In the post slavery era,  any Islamic science via it tajweed,  science of hadith, fiqh, for the descendants of enslaved Africans,  would have to be learned by those outside the community,–despite the fact many were descendants of hafis of the Qu’ran, scholars of the Maliki Fiqh, and the Asharite school of Islamic theology.

Blacks under slavery were cut off from the entirety of the Sunni intellectual tradition.  This Khutba will describe the intellectual accomplishments and high degree of Islamic education that existed in pre-colonial Africa. It will further  examine the powerful efforts of enslaved Africans in preserving their faith and use it as motivation to inspire the descendants of black slaves in the western hemisphere to pursue Islamic education and to use it to address the needs of their black  communities.

Spiritual Lessons taught: The love for knowledge, the obligation to seek knowledge. and the purpose of knowledge.

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