December 17, 2017

If I had been one of these shepherds, I might have been paralyzed by awe. But somehow or other, the shepherds had enough composure and wits about them to act upon the angel’s announcement. Read more

December 15, 2017

It is not always easy for Jesus’ followers to discern during trying spiritual times if they are being persecuted for the Christian faith or simply being subjected to a loss of Christian privilege? How do we trust and hope in God’s providential care rather than fall prey to paranoia? The famed martyred missionary to the Auca Indians, Jim Elliot–a native of Portland, Oregon, where I teach–was certainly killed because of his faith. It was Elliot’s and his companions’ faith that... Read more

December 14, 2017

An Interview with Award-Winning Author Tom Krattenmaker. How often do you find people asking others from across the ideological spectrum for help on how to be open-minded? How often do you find people on the other side responding graciously to the invitation and providing help? I have asked my friend and award-winning author Tom Krattenmaker, a self-professed “secular Jesus follower,” for help on the subject of cultivating open-mindedness without renouncing strong convictions. Mr. Krattenmaker is well-suited to address this subject.... Read more

December 10, 2017

No doubt, people who casually engaged the Scriptures would have expected the Messiah to come from Jerusalem. After all, Jerusalem was the capitol city. Read more

December 9, 2017

Should we abandon ship, or abandon the idols of power, wealth, comfort and privilege that serve as stumbling blocks to right relationship with God and others? Read more

December 7, 2017

In my experience, many young Evangelical Christians are opting out of their religious tradition or tribe because of disillusionment over what they believe is a politicizing of the faith for political gain at all costs by their parents’ generation. Read more

December 3, 2017

In addition to celebrating Jesus’ appearance at his first advent, we await his second advent, when he will judge the nations and reconcile all things to God. Read more

December 2, 2017

Today marks the end of “Ordinary Time” in the Christian calendar. The beginning of the Christian calendar year begins this Sunday for many churches. Tomorrow marks the first Sunday in Advent. We will discuss the beginning of the Christian calendar tomorrow. Today, let’s focus on the significance of the last day of “Ordinary Time.” First, a word about the occasion(s) of Ordinary Time. There are two periods in the Christian calendar that comprise Ordinary Time. For Roman Catholics, the first... Read more

November 30, 2017

The other day I watched a video clip of Senator Lindsey Graham saying to Wolf Blitzer that the Trump Administration and the United States will not allow North Korea to have a nuclear weapon that it could use to strike the United States (Refer here). While Graham does not think war is the best option, and although he understands the devastation a war (thousands or perhaps millions of casualties) with North Korea would cause (including to South Korea), he added,... Read more

November 26, 2017

Don’t think for a moment that the shopping mall fails to offer us religion. In fact, it’s so religious that many churches have been designed to look like them. Read more

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