Can you help out Alexander Aan?

Can you help out Alexander Aan? July 29, 2012

I’m on my way back from rationality camp and had a lovely time.  I’ll have a few more updates on the experience when I return, but I’ll space them out a bit with more of my usual posts.  While I’m in transit, there’s a freedom and religion issue some of the readers here may want to take action on.

In Indonesia, Alexander Aan is in jail because, according to CFI:

Earlier this year, after stating on Facebook his doubt about the existence of God and posting some satirical cartoons about the prophet Muhammed, Alexander was attacked by a mob, arrested for promoting atheism, and convicted of “disseminating information aimed at inciting religious hatred or hostility.” He was then sentenced to two and a half years in prison and saddled with an exorbitant fine.

There’s a petition you can sign.


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I don’t plan to post calls to action that often, since they’re pretty easy to find if you’re plugged into the religion blogosphere, but if I get pinged, I might post an omnibus update once or twice a month.  No need to complain in the comments that there are other free speech issues that need attention.  Just post a pitch and a link to the person or group that needs help in the comments; this is an open thread.

And, as always when you take action, use any ‘ask’ as a reminder to donate through Givewell, where there’s empirical evidence that your money is doing good.  I just did.

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