Called to Be Ambassadors for Christ & to Spread the Good News of the Gospel

Called to Be Ambassadors for Christ & to Spread the Good News of the Gospel November 29, 2023

Giving some thought to what it means to be Ambassadors for Christ…photo courtesy of the author.

Have you ever thought about what it means to be an ambassador or messenger for Christ? It’s a subject that has been on my mind, so I’m diving in to get some answers for myself, and you, if you’re interested. My Bible study time has randomly led me to several different areas in scripture where God uses messengers to prepare the way for Jesus. Reading those accounts has me thinking about the calling on my life. What does it really mean to be a messenger or an ambassador? Can I claim to be either one of those things?

I believe a little research is in order!

Before I proceed with that train of thought, I would like to mention that I am not reading my Bible in any specific order. Instead, I usually just pray and ask God to lead me to something He wants me to see. As strange as that may be to some of you, it is one of my favorite ways of surrendering to His will. Not asking for anything specific, just praying for God to teach me something new.

More often than not, it amazes me that God provides the perfect scriptures for my day. By that I mean, I open up my Bible to verses that speak into specific situations I am dealing with in that moment, and it comforts me. At other times, I read things, and later realized God was using it to prepare me for what was to come.

In the past, I have found it astonishing when shortly after reading a passage of scripture, another person mentions that exact part of the Bible. At one time, that really seemed bizarre to me, but not so much now. Years of having that happen from the pulpit, on the radio, or even from a friend, just makes me smile! 

It can not be coincidental, because it happens to me way too often! I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I have whispered to my children, or my husband, in a church service to say, “I just read that!”

I love it when God does that!

God’s Word Speaks to Me

At other times, it is more like God is giving me a theme to consider, which is the case now. Over the last couple of weeks, I have sat down at various times and opened my Bible to different chapters and verses that mention being an ambassador or messenger for God.

When this happens, I know that it is God’s way of letting me know it’s something I need to grasp and investigate further. Eventually, I find myself considering it as a topic that’s meant to be shared, and I mull over it in anticipation of how and when.

Now back to the original chain of thought…

What is an Ambassador? 

In 2nd Corinthians 5:20, Paul says, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors…” and those words immediately caught my attention. Paul was of course writing to the church members at Corinth, but it literally pertains to any of us who are followers of Christ.

So what does it mean to be Christ’s ambassador? The continuation of that verse explains it a little more:

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

According to this scripture, it is our assignment to appeal to others, and share Jesus with them. But it does not stop there! Then we are to “implore” them to be reconciled to God. Implore literally means to beg them to get right with God! Let’s pause just a minute and consider the thought that God is using us to speak on his behalf, almost urgently!

Incredibly, the Creator of the Universe is asking us to represent Him. He is entrusting us with this monumental part of the process of sharing the Gospel, and as for me, I want to achieve the directive!

Diving a Little Deeper

In the Old Testament “tsiyr” or “tsir” is the Hebrew words for ambassador. The definition is:  “one who goes on an errand.”   

I love the picture this brings to my mind, of people running around to do errands for God. Just think about it; as ambassadors, we are on an errand to tell people about Jesus! As ambassadors, we are being enabled to represent Christ as we do our part to fulfill the Great Commission.

The definition of ambassador says “an official envoy; …  appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment.” The next part really captures my attention:  “an authorized representative or messenger.”

Authorized Messengers of Christ

That is so profound! Really think about that! Let the fact that we are on a mission to represent Christ sink in for a while. Wouldn’t you agree that it is both exhilarating and humbling at the same time?

From my perspective, this only confirms the fact that writing this column is God’s way of allowing me to be an ambassador for Christ. Writing is my passion, and it is amazing to see that God is allowing me to use it for His Kingdom. He knows that I have journaled many things that I wished I could share in the past, but had no avenue to really do so.

Now, with access to online platforms, there is the potential of reaching people all around the world! I am praying for the ability to do just that!

I Am Giving All My Praise to God, for Making These Opportunities Possible! I’ll be forever grateful!

Beautiful Days
Giving some thought to what it means to be Ambassadors for Christ…photo courtesy of the author.
  • Let me now say “THANK YOU” to all who are reading this post!
  • “THANK YOU” to my family and friends for encouragement!
  • “THANK YOU” to those who share pictures for me to use in my posts.

God is using you to help promote this endeavor, and increase the reachability of things I write.

Together, we are ambassadors for Christ, on assignment to share the Gospel! Thank you for your support! Please consider signing up for the Uniquely Constructed newsletter at the bottom of this post! 

As a reminder, please know that God has a purpose for each of us. In addition to that, He gives each of us specific gifts and talents to use to bring Glory to Him! Your assignment will be different from mine, but the goal of pointing people to Jesus, will be the same!

Let’s be the best ambassadors we can possibly be! I know that God will guide us along the way!

About Teresa D Nichols
Have you ever thought about what it means to be an ambassador or messenger for God? My Bible study time has randomly led me to several different areas in scripture where God uses messengers to prepare the way for Jesus. Reading those accounts has me thinking about the calling on my life. What does it really mean to be a messenger or an ambassador? Can I claim to be that? A little research is in order! You can read more about the author here.
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