Florida Water Cologne is an all purpose blessing in a bottle. It has been in use for over 200 years and it is still just as vital today. It is a staple in many different spiritual traditions. In my post Bless your soul with Florida Water I talk about how ” it is used everywhere from Peru to Italy to Surinam for sacred blessings. People wear it as a cologne like the name implies, or in any multitude of other ways. It seems to have undercurrents of lemon, lavender and bergamot. It’s a sweet citrus blend that is truly delightful.”

21 Ways to Use Florida Water Cologne
- Recommended for dozens of uses and here are a few to get you started.

- Blessing Floorwash– Add Florida Water to your normal cleaning mix to add extra blessings of protection.
- Direction Foot Bath– Take a small basin or bucket, add warm water and a splash of the water and dip your feet to give you a blessing of guidance and direction.
- Dancing Feet Bath– Take a small basin or bucket, fill it with Florida Water, Rose Water, and 5 drops Ylang Ylang oil for a special blessing for your feet when you need to dance.
- Remove Negativity Bath – Draw yourself a bath, add a dash Florida Water, a handful of sea salt, and 3 drops of Frankincense oil. Use whenever negativity has got a hold of you.
- Happiness Bath – Draw yourself a bath, add a dash of Florida Water, a dash of Rose water and 3 drops of Lavendar oil to bring happiness and blessings.
- Laundry Rinse – Add a dash of this magickal Water to your fabric softener or final laundry rinse to bless and protect your clothes.
- Do a Pre-Ritual Cleanse by applying Florida Water to the back of your neck.
- Use it as Offering Water in the cemetery to honor the ancestors.
- Use it as Offering Water at the Crossroads to open your path.
- Bathe your crystals and magickal jewelry in diluted Florida Water to cleanse and protect them.
- Make a Good Luck Spray from Florida Water, Spring Water and 3 drops of Patchouly oil. Use before playing the lottery or gambling.
- Place Florida Water and Sea Water in a bowl under the bed to invite good dreams.
- Make a Protection Spray from Florida Water, Sea Water, and 3 drops Myrrh oil. Use generously.
- Sprinkle on windowsills and thresholds to protect your home and welcome good energy.
- Place a cap full of it in with your hair conditioner to bless your head.
- Make a Divination Blessing Spray from Florida Water, Tap Water and a small piece of Amethyst crystal in a spray bottle. Use before reading tarot cards on your hands, and on the space where you are doing the reading.
- A large Sacred Circle Blessing can be performed by sprinkling Florida water counterclockwise around your Home or ritual space.
- A small Sacred Circle Blessing can be performed on your ritual tools by laying them out on a cloth and sprinkling Florida water counterclockwise around that in a circle.
- Place a bowl of Florida Water under your sink with a quartz crystal in it for an easy Kitchen Blessing.
- Create a wash for 7 day candles in glass from tap water, holy water, and a dash of Florida Water.
- To do a Wallet Money Blessing bathe a cowrie shell in Florida Water, then carry it in your wallet or pocket for financial success.
This list is just a beginning, please leave your own special uses for this magickal water below, and if you like what you have read please share, share, share the blessings !