Negativity collects in the unwanted and unclean spaces of your mind, soul, and home.
I wrote the above words in my book 55 Ways to Connect to Goddess. Purging is clearly sacred. Cleanliness is next to God/Goddessliness. Do your best to release everything that is not serving you anymore. If it is something that may be useful to others, do your best to find a charity or needy person to pass it along to. One of my favorite charities here on NYC donates social justice books to inmates. Plenty of organizations take donations of clothing, or household items to give to the less fortunate. Like attracts like, and trying to have a positive mind set in a cluttered environment can be a difficult.
In the New Orleans Voodoo and La Regla Lucumi (Santeria) religions cleanliness is paramount. Much care is taken to prepare sacred washes and baths to cleanse one’s body and space in order for positive magic to happen. There are many reasons for this:
- The ritual act of cleaning helps to focus and clear the mind for connection to higher realms.
- The removal of dust and dirt clears away psychic holes that may allow negativity to take hold.
- Herbs, oils, and other magickal items can then be used to attune one’s psychic frequencies to the proper energies.
African Traditional Religions are not the only ones that see the value of being clean. My fellow blogger at Patheos Pagan Kathy Kassab just finished a really insightful series titled Decluttering for the Samhain Soul. In it she says how “Beginnings dance with endings.” She then goes on to talk about releasing things in order to make way for the new. She creates change by getting rid of old dishes and stuff, and even an Ikea table …. good advice, personally I’m not even sure why I bought Ikea furniture in the first place.
What rituals do you follow relating to cleansing? How do you feel when you remove unnecessary items from your home and environment? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. And as always if you have enjoyed what you read here please remember to share, share, share on your favorite social media channels. Many blessings and happy purging !