5 Things to Do for the Orisha Oshun Feast September 8

5 Things to Do for the Orisha Oshun Feast September 8 September 6, 2017

5 Things to do for the Orisha Oshun photo by Lilith Dorsey.
5 Things to do for the Orisha Oshun photo by Lilith Dorsey.

The Lucumi (Santeria) feast for the Orisha Oshun occurs on September 8th. There is wonderful food, dancing, music, and joyous celebration. The festivities occur on this day because this Lucumi Orisha is associated with the Catholic Caridad Del Cobre. One of the many reasons for this has to do with the tradition having to remain cloaked due to oppression and prejudice. The Catholic statues shown in display were often filled with traditional offerings for the Goddess.

Oshun is the Orisha in charge of the sweet, and sometimes stormy waters of love, money, and beauty. Her roots stem not only from this tradition, but go back all the way to Africa.

Firstly, if you are interested in the African Traditional Religions, such as Lucumi (Santeria) and Ifa, I urge you to find a spiritual house to join. This time of year will most likely include feasts and tribute with your spiritual family. There are some simple things you can do on your own, however if you don’t have godparents, or are separated from them this time of year.

  • Set a feast table for Oshun. Many people construct feast tables for Oshun at this time of year. These are similar to an altar or shrine. You may include a statue or image of Oshun, and other offerings. This is not to ask for anything, but instead to honor her sacred ashe (divine energy) at this time.
  • Play some Oshun sacred music. Lazaro Ros is a legend in Orisha music and chants. Listen in

  • Learn an Oshun dance. This phenomenal Goddess is the spirit and energy of the dance. Her glory shines through in the sacred movements of the tradition. Check in your area to see if there are any dance classes for the Orisha. If you are in NYC I highly recommend Cumbe Dance, a center for African and Diasporan Dance. I have taken many classes there and it is always a pleasure.
  • Make an Oshun recipe to offer or share. There are almost 500 posts here on Voodoo Universe. As daughter of Oshun I was inspired to share many recipes for this Goddess. Please check the archives to see how to make Oshun Squash Soup, Mango Salsa and many more.
  • Learn more about this divine goddess. There aren’t many books dedicated solely to the Orisha Oshun, but you can find information in Fatunmbi’s Oshun : Ifa & The Spirit of the River. I am also very pleased to announce that my lecture on Oshun is part of this year’s Feast of the Sacred Waters Telesummit. Hope you listen in.

I hope you have a joyous Oshun Feast Day. Lastly,  as always if you have enjoyed what you read here please remember to like, comment with your favorite Oshun offerings, and share this post !

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