The Light of Love: Novena of Beauty, Day Five

The Light of Love: Novena of Beauty, Day Five September 12, 2014

Today, for Day Five of our Novena of Beauty, I feature videos that speak love, truth, and beauty to the world.

First, a brief trailer from Brandon Vogt’s extraordinary website, Strange Notions, which brings atheists and Catholics together for respectful dialogue.


Next, visit Catholics Come Home for a wide selection of glorious and inspiring “evangomercials” in several languages and of varying lengths. They are a beautiful way to bring lapsed Catholics back to the Church, as well as evangelizing those outside the Faith.



Finally, from the Sisters of Life, a five-minute video of great beauty and wisdom about the value and origins of human life.



And finally, the Litany of Loreto, in honor of our beautiful Blessed Mother.


God bless you!




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