July 15, 2023

My Misguided Thought Process There are few things we can absolutely count on in this life, but the most definite three are, death, taxes and suffering. I have been the immature-in-faith person who rails at the universe for my frustrations in life. Why me? I wish with all my heart for things to be different –couldn’t my previous joy remain? Why did it have to change for the worse? What did I do to deserve this scourge? I’m throwing confetti... Read more

July 13, 2023

How Confession Felt in Childhood The Sacrament of Confession is rife with nerves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacrament_of_Penance#Contemporary_confessional_practiceEven from childhood, I remember standing in line, with my knees quivering. I’d go over my sins in my mind (usually bickering with siblings), and I’d hope to get my list right, so as not to ramble too much and embarrass myself. Then there is The Act of Contrition to declare at the end. I was petrified I’d forget it –then my Confession wouldn’t “count”! Oh, what... Read more

July 11, 2023

Help Lord! Teach Me How to Forgive! “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Luke 6:37 (NIV) My Trauma Sadly, years ago, I experienced a raw and real sojourn through explosive shock, blinding anger, debilitating hurt and finally, the peace of true forgiveness, that only God can provide. Forgiveness –an impossible, tall order, or an invitation to serenity? I have come to believe... Read more

July 7, 2023

Begin the Day With Power I heard a Speaker once say that the first thing she does upon awakening is slide straight to the floor to her knees. No coffee yet. (I might die)! No checking her phone yet. No putting her hair into a ponytail and heading to the kitchen yet. (Aw, hungry)! Just. Only. Knees. This Seminar Host begins the day this way, for an appointment with her Creator. It’s not that long. She says that she is... Read more

July 4, 2023

Orange Flamingos cooling off We Get to Enjoy God’s Design At a recent trip to the zoo, my husband and I basked in God’s incredible creativity. No wonder God rested on the 7th day. That was A LOT of work! The colors of these precious beings! The personalities! We were filled with glee. When I read about grounding in nature, I know that is a powerful tool. When life’s daily hassles get the better of me, just hanging out in... Read more

July 3, 2023

What is the Purpose of It All? There are days –most of us have them, when we just have trouble believing there’s a God. Don’t we all and our Earth just exist because of the magical Big Bang? Certainly plausible enough. And in the end, we just take a “dirt nap” forever and ever? A depressing thought. And this world and all its horrific suffering –how could there truly be a loving God at the helm? My doubts are powerful... Read more

July 1, 2023

She Walked Into My Class, Soon to Become a Lifelong Friend  I met Catherine Covington years ago when she was a student in my Lyrical class. Such a dedicated, hard worker, kind and so beautiful, with her blond hair, blue eyes and flawless skin. In my 37 years of teaching, there are those special dancers whom you never forget. Catherine is one of them. As she got older, we taught classes together. Early Saturday mornings, beginning the day with hazelnut... Read more

June 29, 2023

Hopelessness and Food Addiction My husband, Dan, fought Compulsive Overeating for decades. Some call it BED or Binge Eating Disorder, and others call it Disordered Eating or Food Addiction. (White flour and sugar have addictive properties in sufferers’ brains). I was petrified about his future health. Could I count on him being here, at all, in the next few years? Dan was almost 300 pounds on a 5’9″ frame, having already undergone a cardiac ablation, high triglycerides in the 1600... Read more

June 27, 2023

  Armageddon I wondered if Jesus could hear me over the deafening roar of the Category-5, pounding wind gusts. I was praying frantically while Hurricane Ian removed half of our mobile home, like an angry toddler hurling a lego wall across the room. My husband and I watched the action from the window, front row seats to Dorothy’s tornado in Wizard of Oz. “There goes our carport, screen porch and patio!” “Isn’t that the Baker’s bay window rolling across our... Read more

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