Wrestling With Faith On Good Friday

Wrestling With Faith On Good Friday March 27, 2013

Every Lenten season The Eucatastrophe, the faith community that I get to co-pastor at takes something on for Lent instead of giving something up; this year we as a community decided to wrestle with the idea of faith. For Holy Week, The Euc (what we call The Eucatastropeh for short) have taken on some unique rhythms by providing different options for us and our greater community to participate in Holy Week no matter where they are in the world. We would like to extend the invitation to anyone who is willing to participate of one of our rhythms/rituals, and that is our Good Friday Virtual Prayer Vigil. The Prayer Vigil is featured on Facebook and will begin at 10 pm (cst) – 7 am (cst). Click HERE to visit The Euc’s Good Friday Virtual Prayer Vigil. Below is the list of topics to pray for in the hour slots we have set up…hope you will join us in the journey of wrestling with our faith.

Prayer Schedule:

10 pm-1 am What does Faith look like for The Euc (or your local faith community)?

1 am- 4 am What does faith look like outside of our faith communities and in our greater local communities?

4 am – 7 am What does faith look like in the world?

Outlaw Theology With The Whiskey Preacher episodes are provided by Sogo Media TV.

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