A Solitary Ritual for Samhain

A Solitary Ritual for Samhain October 19, 2021

October is such a busy month for many of us, yet with a pandemic overlay and many outside obligations, Samhain itself can feel like it’s at the end, an exhausting finish line.  If you don’t have plans (or energy) for community at Samhain, fear not! Below is a solitary ritual that embraces the beauty and mystical magic of the season.

Samhain ritual. Photo by Pexels via Pixabay.

A Solitary Ritual for Samhain

Set your altar You may already have an ancestor and Samhain altar set up for the season, but if not, take some time to find a place where you can spend some time comfortably. It can be a bookshelf, a low table, on top of a special box, wherever you find a place in your home. Set out a photo of your ancestor(s), and place a candle (preferably black) in front of that photo, one you can light daily in remembrance. Make an offering to your ancestor, whether it is a favorite drink of your family, or a food that brings back good memories for you, preferable a natural item (apple, bread, a favorite sweet). If you would like to set up a Samhain altar as well, do so. You can add orange and black candles, pumpkins, a bowl of apples, items from your nature walk, or photos of what Samhain symbolizes to you. Spend some time at these altars daily, at whatever time feels most comfortable to you.

Divination  October is a great month to practice divination, whether it be cards, fire scrying or smoke scrying (lit incense is an easy way to tap into this form of divination). You can pull a card a day, or do an ancestor spread. For my ancestor spread, I like to pull three cards, asking the following:  What do my ancestors and guides want me to know in this moment? Why do I need to know this message now? and What steps can I take to act upon their message?

Bathe  Prepare an herbal bath in candlelight. If you don’t have a bathtub, still use candlelight and find a shower steamer bar that can release herbal intentions. You can also create a sachet made of cheesecloth, and include herbs of your choosing, preferably local.  Rosemary and star anise are a few ideas, do some research and look for herbs that align with your intention. Afterwards, water should be patted off gently, and not dried thoroughly. Change into comfortable, fresh clothes and spend time at your altar.

Offerings  Leaving offerings for your ancestors and spirits can be as easy as sharing a piece of bread or an apple. Some people are more elaborate, and cook a dish of their childhood, or prepare a Dumb Supper. Whatever you choose as offering, do so with love and appreciation. Another simple offerings is to pour a favorite libation outside your home into the ground. Speak words of love and appreciation as you do so. Leftover offerings can be buried or left outside under your favorite tree. Be careful not to leave inorganic materials in nature.

Set magical intentions  Samhain is the last festival on the Wheel of the Year, so what better time to do a magical reset? Have you been neglecting your spiritual practice, or do you want to learn a different form of divination? Get your journal out, and set intentions for what you want to improve in your magical world. Perhaps you would like to join a community, learn more about herbalism, or build a daily practice. While you are in the spirit of this magical season, dig deep and see what you would like to include in your life as the Wheel of the Year turns anew.

Incorporate all the areas above into a ritual that suits your time constraints and life, and make it really personal to who you are as a person. Samhain isn’t just spooky movies or decorations (although those are wonderful!), it is also a call to go deep within and move closer to the spiritual being you are, sometimes hidden underneath all the responsibilities and activities of your life. May your Samhain be a time of introspection, inspiration, and wonder. Blessed Be!



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