[Heron’s note: following is the continuation of Aphrodite’s Thealogy of Perfection that developed into our “Four Rules for Personal Sovereignty.” This is the story of how the last two were revealed to me as a visionary message back on September 23rd, 2014.]
Allow me to take you back to a time not so long ago…It was a shining Autumn Equinox day here in North Carolina, and we’d just returned from vending at the Pagan Pride Festival in Raleigh the previous day, so I was considerably exhausted.
We’d spent a lovely weekend in the company of 3000+ fine pagans . It was also a family reunion, as we got to see many from our Sojo Tribe who live in that area. I love my tribe; they are the most mature, civilized and responsible group of witches I’ve ever known. It is a rare thing to have a teaching coven last so long without strain from diva-drama.
The Mabon Day Revelations
That crisp afternoon, I was cruising Facebook and see a posting by Raven Grimassi lamenting how within the witching communities, many are quick to stoop to pitiful levels of back-stabbing each other in public forums. He implored us to become the kind of people who seek out the best in each other, rather than constantly harping on the worst in each other.
I read this sad message just as I was laying down for a nap. As my three kitties snuggled in around me, I thought about all the times folks I’d trusted had betrayed me, and the “Rules” that developed as we tried to learn a better way to coven together. They started as a comedic way to illustrate thealogical concepts (3). Until this fateful Mabon day, we only had two: Don’t burn the Witch and Don’t be the Asshole. As I descended into sleep, I knew this is basically what Raven was asking of us.
1. Don’t burn the Witch.
The obvious: If you are going to work with the element of Fire, respect its potential, then avoid accidents. The less obvious: Be careful not to conjure up what you don’t know how to safely send back.
Heal thyself: All things vibrate, and like vibrations attract more of the same. (Hermetic Principle of Vibration, also called the Law of Attraction.) If you remain a pulsing magnet of self-loathing, no matter what intention your mouth speaks, you are doomed to repeat your past suffering. If you continue to harbor your wounds, you cannot evolve beyond “wounded consciousness” and all your magick will ever cause is a good ol’ fashioned witch burning of YOURSELF.
“If that which you seek you find not within, you will never find it without.” Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente
Empowerment starts with YOU. Wisdom starts with YOU. Healing starts with YOU. YOU ARE THE MAGICK, so make it effective, harmonious, kick-ass magick sourced by Divine Love. The FIRST step on the path of the Witch is to learn to recognize these wounds for what they are, release all lingering connection to them, and heal from the inside out. Love yourself first. THEN, and only then, can you begin to break the cycle of woundings and don the crown of personal sovereignty.
Perfect Love and Perfect Trust: In the name of all things holy, STOP burning your fellow Witches! We have a hard enough time not being “burned” by the rest of society, if we can’t treat each other with respect, what are we playing at?