UNISON means ONE SON June 10, 2012

Yesterday I was writing something and wrote “unison”, which means: complete agreement, harmonizing exactly.  When I sat with it a little more, uni= one and son= son.  One son, it reminded me of the stories of Buddha and Jesus, which is the story of our lives. To live in complete agreement with the laws of the universe and when we do that we become our true nature.  We become the son and daughter of unconditional presence.  The mantra may be I AM ONE and guess what? You are.  

Can you imagine? Sit with this for second. I AM ONE WITH THE UNIVERSAL ONE. Or as Christians say, “I AM THAT I AM.” That is how powerful you are. You are here to create from that. The way in which you connect to the source of everything is to quiet and listen.  Now when I say be quiet and listen, you think about talking and shutting up.  I am suggesting quieting your mind and listening to the silence which already is present.  In that silence exists all you need. In fact, when we use words to describe love, wealth, creativity, abundance, etc…we really are talking about the same energy which is unconditional presence.  Its all one life.  Each of us is that life expressing fully. It doesn’t seem that way because the mind is trying its best to convince us that there is separation. When really there is no separation.  The fragmented mind is convinced of this. So the only block between you and everything is silence.  With silence there is no conditions, barriers, blocks, problems, situations, and so what are we really waiting for? 

If everything is happening already and this life has infinite possibilities then what is wrong with silence.  It is here that we heal, it is here where true riches lie, it is here where magic is, and the absolute, and yet very few seem to want to go there.  Jesus never over threw the Romans but he left a lasting impression.  By getting still like nature we begin to understand how amazing we really are. Judgment is a thought. Love is silent, fun, joy filled, wisdom, and sometimes forceful. The lesson here is sometimes we should just be quiet and listen.  

When we can listen to the silence and maintain it for the day, then we can hear the truth, inspiration, and all the non sense goes away.  So can you turn away from the world? Can you be still?  Can you listen to the silence? If you can, you will be on the road like Jesus, Buddha, and many mystics.  

Live a life in complete agreement with nature. Sounds cool right?  

Questions, Comments, Sessions:  semajse64@gmail.com




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