Day 51 of 90: Moksha Yoga, “A” For Alice

Day 51 of 90: Moksha Yoga, “A” For Alice August 30, 2013

Day 51 of 90 straight days of hot yoga at Moksha Yoga LA and I found myself with lots of energy after 3 days of drinking juice and water.  Feeling wonderful from the inside out.  It has been hot out here in LA and so I found myself resting a little longer outside in the lobby before entering the studio for practice.  I walked in and laid on my mat and closed my eyes, continuing my intention from last night to start to incorporate a closed eye practice. So I spent about 50-50 of the practice in closed eyes. I am doing this to sense my breath and body more.  To trust myself more.  To listen fully to my inner world.

Teacher Alice entered class to guide our practice and her name would be easier understood as “A” my name is Alice which of course is in reference to a musical but in this case the “A” can be a reference to anatomy. She was amazing with the information and how to use the body and how the anatomy worked in each pose.  It really helped me, in particular when I closed my eyes.  I feel like yoga should be done with eyes closed.  So we release our identification with comparing, competing, and showing.  The closed eyes have offered me a true sense of balance, and deeper trust.  Life is here to support us.  We are supported but we need to understand, practice, and engage the support within.  Yes my practice was wobbly with eyes closed, but the challenge was real, very real. I could sense so much within, that when my eyes are open in a pose and I am falling,  I over compensate to catch myself. With eyes closed, well you might want to yell, “Timber!” or “Man done down.”  Because with my eyes closed I am in complete trust of this moment. With no sense of where I am going, just here, just now. Just as it is.

I finished my juice fast at Clover Juice and feel great today, alive, and cleansed.  It was short but with a daughter at home, for a parent, it is perfect.  If you are a parent and you are looking to do a short, fun, and healthy cleanse, I recommend this 3 day cleanse. And then from there you can decided whether you want to continue.  I also enjoyed the different ingredients and how simple they were. There is nothing like sponsoring local farms and that makes me feel good. Save gas.  The Black Chia is wonderful for cleansing you out and the Rev’d up really gets your organs going.  I love the green drinks for breakfast and dinner.  Two thumbs up to Clover and two thumbs up for me for listening!

On to day 52…Namaste

  David Matthew Brown:  Heart Speaking, Training, Author, Dad, and Blogger. A student.

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