May 20, 2016

St. Bartholomew’s Church, in Czermna, Poland. By Merlin (Own work), GFDL or CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


“And he said to me: Son of man, dost thou think these bones shall live? And I answered: O Lord God, thou knowest.”—Ezekiel xxxvii, 3

I’ll be the first to admit that I have the faith of a child. I don’t have the faith of a novelist, or of a science-fiction writer. Nor do I have the faith of a philosopher, or a poet, or one blessed with flights of imagination that lead me to probe the heavenly mysteries exhaustively.

Have I been blessed with visions of the 7th heaven?  Ridden on the wings of angels to mystical union with God, who supplies my need for specifics on how we will be when eternity arrives for me?

Nope. (more…)

May 18, 2016

Crossing the LD, the old fashioned way…

I didn’t know it at the time this was originally written, but the Little Sisters of the Poor were our other secret weapon, aside from prayer. Their stand against the Administration was the ultimate “soft tactic” in a hard war.  In a nutshell, see,  of all of the groups that filed suit against the HHS Mandate, they were the target that could fell the giant.

Here’s the post published on June 4, 2012 in which I described the way that we could win the day against the HHS Mandate. As I recall, it wasn’t very popular among the armchair Catholic warrior types. C’est le guerre.

Here’s the original post. It’s long, so you might want to linger over it with your favorite adult beverage…

Currently, the bulk of our forces are  still in the Assembly Area, marshalling troops, building logistics trains, and communication networks, etc.  The dozen lawsuits that were launched a few weeks ago? Probes, really, looking for areas of strength and weakness. They crossed the line of departure a few weeks back as a reconnaissance-in-force.

Over at NRO Online, Mark L. Rienzi gives a recap of what we know so far. Basically, it’s the tale of a media blackout, which we are all familiar with, (more…)

May 14, 2016

St. Josemaría Escrivá, photograph by Jebulon (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this message brought to you by The Church Triumphant. Standby for a brief message from St. Jose Maria Escriva, live from the Communion of Saints… (more…)

May 13, 2016

Joe Six-Pack, USMC, getting promoted.

I became a Catholic when I was confirmed at the Easter Vigil in the year of Our Lord, 2008. I was baptized, though, when I was 10 years old in a Non-denominational Christian church located in my hometown. With my family, I attended regularly (pretty much if church was open, we were there!) until I graduated from high school and joined the Marine Corps at the age of 17.


July 15, 2015

"Portrait Miniature of John Henry Newman" by William Charles Ross - Newman: Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -
“Portrait Miniature of John Henry Newman” by William Charles Ross  Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

While I was on vacation, I started thumbing through a book my wife picked up for me at our public library’s used book sale. Edited by a Fr. Raphael H. Gross, of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, the somewhat uninspiring title of the tome is, A Century of the Catholic Essay.

I have no idea how pastoral Fr. Raphael was, or how good his homilies were, etc., but as an editor, well, let’s just say that I haven’t been able to put the book down yet.

Out of copyright, and out of print, I intend to share a number of his selections from the collection in this space. Let’s start with a succinct essay from Catholic convert, and recently canonized saint, John Henry Newman. (more…)

June 29, 2015

St. John The Baptist In The Wilderness, by José Leonardo (Spain, 1601-before 1653) LACMA Collection, Public Domain
St. John The Baptist In The Wilderness, by José Leonardo (Spain, 1601-before 1653), LACMA Collection, Public Domain

It’s quite simple, actually. Oh, you won’t see the reason talked about by folks using rational thinking towards an irrational people. (more…)

June 10, 2015


For a regular guy, with a blog called Why I Am Catholic, I honestly can’t think of one, single, reason. I mean aside from the obvious one.

So how about Because?  No, really. In fact, I reckon I have 445+ posts with titles that begin with the word “because.” That might just be 45,000 words worth of trying to explain it. And you know what? Every day there are more reasons that keep piling up. Oftentimes, words fail.

Need more reasons? (more…)

May 20, 2015

Cody, bane of package deliverers

That’s one of the observations Thomas L. McDonald had regarding blogging. (more…)

April 30, 2015

A Barbary pirate, Pier Francesco Mola 1650 (public Domain)
A Barbary pirate, Pier Francesco Mola 1650 (Public Domain)

Life got you down? Things perhaps haven’t turned out as you planned? Do you think everyone else has got it so easy? Your neighbors, for example, or those fortunate people who come into a considerable sum of money?

And how about those saintly types? They are simply walking on air, those guys, living lives of complete and blessed beatitude, right?

Hold up! (more…)

April 2, 2015

All are welcome!

You might have missed the news if you were at Mass for Holy Thursday, but the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana was revised, and signed into law, a few hours ago with the following revision, (more…)

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