Ever wonder what the Apostle Peter's last meal was? Could it include bacon? Jeff knows. Also the official tagline of the BBB may have be born and you may consider staying past the "credits". Oh...And then there's... (http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5005b235c4aa8b4d9760fd8b/54c275d2e4b03dfa2a28bf6e/54c275d6e4b03dfa2a28bf83/1422030299963/Mike+McHargue+Headshot+Glass.jpg?format=2500w) Mr. Science Mike McHargue (of the podcasts The Liturgists & Ask Science Mike) joins us to talk about fast food coffee, approved scientists for his daughters to marry, and his new book "Finding God in the Waves: how I lost my faith and found it again through science". This podcast is AT LEAST a means by which the listener will hear great friends in different states of faith converse with Science Mike McHargue, one of the most huggable storytellers of our time. EVEN IF this is all this podcast is, the aural consumer will hear the fascinating story of the spiritual transformation of said huggable storyteller filtered through the conversational stylings of the hosts of Bro's Bibles & Beer, a podcast that's arguably good for humankind. Let's give Science Mike the old "BBB Bump"! Buy "Finding God In The Waves (https://www.amazon.com/Finding-God-Waves-Through-Science/dp/1101906049/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474744454&sr=8-1&keywords=finding+god+in+the+waves)" Check out his podcast "Ask Science Mike (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ask-science-mike/id956995247?mt=2)" & "The Liturgists (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-liturgists-podcast/id903433534?mt=2)" (Co-hosted by Michael Gungor) Get more info and live podcast/book tour dates at findinggodinthewaves.com (findinggodinthewaves.com) & mikemchargue.com (http://mikemchargue.com/) Remember to rate & review us on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bros-bibles-beer/id1048486854?mt=2) We will read it on the show, probably in a ridiculous accent. Follow us on TWITTER (twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer), Like us on FACEBOOK (facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer), check out BBBPOD.COM (bbbpod.com) for show notes, resources and pictures! Music: "Vagabonds" and "Dead Rose" by The Classic Crime (https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-classic-crime/id152737245) Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bbbpod/message SUBSCRIBE & SHARE us this week! Contact Us: brosbiblesbeer@gmail.com Leave Us A Voicemail YouTube SimpleCast Spotify Apple Podcasts Facebook X Insta Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Zack & Andy Find us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and share us with a friend this week! Grace. Peace. Cheers!