(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55dcffbae4b066bafafb6faa/t/5a7f428c0d92973fecb1f619/1518289600760/jon_2.png?format=1500w) Jon joins us and gets personal, raw & dare I say, real on growing up poor and in an abusive environment. The type of environment that can make or break a person. It's taken him a long time to realize and actually believe that he is God's favorite, and he wants you to know that the same is true of you. Jon is passionate and inspiring and wants everyone to "find the authentic you". Some link love for Jon: www.areyoureal.org (http://rureal.org/) -?Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/areyoureal/) - Twitter (https://twitter.com/AreYouRealPod) - iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/r-u-real-men-faith-women-faith/id1125526907?mt=2) - Instagram @areyourealpod - Hit Jon up and tell him what you thought! Subscribe to Bros Bibles & Beer on Apple Podcasts -Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bros-bibles-beer/id1048486854?mt=2)! -Show notes & resources: www.bbbpod.com (https://www.brosbiblesbeer.com/)-https://www.facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer (https://www.facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer)-https://twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer (https://twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer)-https://www.brosbiblesbeer.com (https://www.brosbiblesbeer.com/)-Instagram: @brosbiblesbeer-Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Bros Bibles & Beer is: Mr. Jeff Pearson, Mr Scott "the scoot" Hulbert & Mr. Zack KraterEdited by: Zack KraterFind us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and tell a friend!Grace. Peace. Cheers! Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bbbpod/message SUBSCRIBE & SHARE us this week! Contact Us: [email protected]????????????????? Leave Us A Voicemail YouTube SimpleCast Spotify Apple Podcasts Facebook ????????????????? X Insta Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Zack & Andy Find us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and share us with a friend this week! Grace. Peace. Cheers!