(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55dcffbae4b066bafafb6faa/t/5886d1c1c534a5e18411d284/1485230697931/IMG_20170116_220335.jpg?format=1500w) We discuss how people are more the categories we give them. Dare I say they're bigger then the box we (sometimes unintentionally) put them in, and in some cases the box they're trying to be in. Also how diverse should our friends be, would Jesus prioritize friendships, Scott falls victim to a fear profiteer and iTunes reviews! Remember to subscribe and review us on itunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bros-bibles-beer/id1048486854?mt=2). And we want your questions and feedback at Facebook (facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer), Twitter (twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer), & Instagram (instagram.com/brosbiblesbeer). Show notes and resources at bbbpod.com (bbbpod.com). Music: "Dead Rose" and "Vagabonds" by The Classic Crime (https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/the-classic-crime/id152737245) Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bbbpod/message SUBSCRIBE & SHARE us this week! Contact Us: brosbiblesbeer@gmail.com Leave Us A Voicemail YouTube SimpleCast Spotify Apple Podcasts Facebook X Insta Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Zack & Andy Find us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and share us with a friend this week! Grace. Peace. Cheers!