(Rebroadcast) Adam C. English join us to talk about the real St. Nick! "The history of Nicholas presents a tantalizing riddle. At first, there is nothing―no writings, disciples, or major acts. Then, curiously, story fragments and rumors begin to surface like driftwood in the water. A church is built in his honor at Constantinople and the next thing you know, he's an international symbol of holiday cheer and goodwill, an absolutely essential part of the Christmas tradition, and the joy of boys and girls everywhere...." Get the book: "The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra (https://smile.amazon.com/Saint-Who-Would-Santa-Claus/dp/1602586349/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513622099&sr=8-1&keywords=the+saint+who+would+be+santa+claus)" Adam C. English is Associate Professor of Religion at Campbell University where he teaches on the philosophy of religion, constructive theology, and the history of Christian thought. He lives near Raleigh, North Carolina. Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bbbpod/message SUBSCRIBE & SHARE us this week! Contact Us: [email protected] Leave Us A Voicemail YouTube SimpleCast Spotify Apple Podcasts Facebook X Insta Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Zack & Andy Find us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and share us with a friend this week! Grace. Peace. Cheers!