(https://res.cloudinary.com/wayfare/image/upload/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_800,w_1200/v1/wayfareio/uploads/member-monday-sarah-heath.jpg) Sarah Heath returns to talk about her podcast, "Sonderlust (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sonderlust-the-podcast/id1286255776?mt=2)". What has it been like to expose her life so honestly every week? Listen and find out, silly goose! We had a blast. Connect with Sarah: Find her book, "Whats Your Story?" HERE (https://www.amazon.com/Whats-Your-Story-Seeing-Through/dp/1501837893/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1525402559&sr=8-3&keywords=whats+your+story). http://revsarahheath.com/ https://twitter.com/revsarahheath Insta: @revsarahheath https://www.facebook.com/paintersarah Connect with the Bros: -Subscribe to Bros Bibles & Beer on Apple Podcasts-Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!-https://www.facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer (https://www.facebook.com/brosbiblesbeer)-https://twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer (https://twitter.com/brosbiblesbeer)-https://www.brosbiblesbeer.com (https://www.brosbiblesbeer.com/)-Instagram: @brosbiblesbeer-Email: brosbiblesbeer@gmail.com (mailto:brosbiblesbeer@gmail.com)Bros Bibles & Beer is: Mr. Jeff Pearson, Mr Scott "the scoot" Hulbert & Mr. Zack KraterEdited by: Zack KraterFind us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and tell a friend!Grace. Peace. Cheers! Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bbbpod/message SUBSCRIBE & SHARE us this week! Contact Us: brosbiblesbeer@gmail.com Leave Us A Voicemail YouTube SimpleCast Spotify Apple Podcasts Facebook X Insta Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Zack & Andy Find us wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Oh, and share us with a friend this week! Grace. Peace. Cheers!