Raabiyah has been an activist for as long as she can remember. The first time her mother brought her to a protest against the Chinese government's treatment of the Uyghur people, she remembers asking why they were going. Her mother told her that these were Turkish people, like them, who were being mistreated in their home country, and that their mistreatment could not be ignored. Raabiya talks to us about the situation in China. She discusses her journey to taking a leadership role, in university activism, for the first time. Raabiya created and continues to develop the KCL4UYGHUR campaign and club at King's College London. Find them on Twitter. The Hijabi Diaries is produced in partnership with the Openhearted Campaign to End Islamophobia. Aubrey Seader is our executive producer, with help from WFHB News Director Wes Martin and co-producer Anna Maidi. Music heard on the podcast includes Baraka Blue's "Love and Light." Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes. Learn more the Hijabi Diaries at www.hijabidiaries.com.