The first event in our live series, featuring conversations about the changing spiritual landscape with faith futurist Maria French of H&Co and author and theologian John Thatamanil of Union Theological Seminary, as well as music that inspires empathy from the band The Brilliance. This unique and dynamic "spiritual variety show" mixes speaker talks, dialogue, music, and spiritual practice to kick off our ongoing discussion about the future of spirituality. For a continuation of this discussion, also listen to our "Day After" podcast with these guests in the podcast studio! Remember to come see us in person at Theology Beer Camp October 17-19 Denver, CO Get Information and Tickets for Promo Code for our listeners: RADICALHOBBIT (all caps, no spaces) ______ Find your guides at Quoir Academy! If you’ve ever deconstructed your faith you know it’s not easy. But just imagine if you could have people to guide you through your process? People like, Jim Palmer, Kristin Du Mez, Jennifer Knapp, Brad Jersak, Brian Zahnd, Paul Young , and more? Well, if you head over to Quoir Academy and register for SQUARE 2 using the Promo Code [RAD] you’ll get 10% off the regular registration cost of this awesome course and community just for being a fan of our show. Follow this registration link: