Tahtianna Fermin (she/her) has many roles, including being an ordained minister, community activist, and founder of Bridges4Life, an organization that helps the Transgender Non-Conforming (TGNC) community—work that is so essential in this current political climate that seeks to restrict care and protections for transgender/non-conforming people. In this refreshingly sunny conversation. Tahtianna talks with Kelly about her spiritual journey from conservative religious patriarchy to radical inclusion and outreach. We also talk about the need for the work that she and the Bridges4Life community is doing now, and look for some hope for the future. In addition to the qualifications listed above, Tahtianna Fermin is also a public speaker, writer, a member of The National LGBTW Workers Center’s NYC chapter and other community organizations, a practitioner of spiritual healing, and an International Business and Marketing Student. Find out more about Tahtianna at https://bridges4life.org/our-founder/ and at https://tahtiannasministry.wixsite.com/transgender. Bridges4Life is an organization built on helping the TGNC community and serves the northern New Jersey and New York City metro areas. Bridges4Life provides services for a range of people in need, including children in the foster care system, young adults, and surviving sex workers. The organization is committed to helping teens and young adults on the street and in foster care become responsible, self-sufficient, confident and educated adults. Learn more about Bridges4Life at https://bridges4life.org/. Tahtianna Fermin Facebook: @tahttiana.infiniti Instagram: @tahtianna_fermin_ Bridges4Life Facebook: @Bridges4Life Twitter: @bridges4_life Instagram: @bridges4life_ Find your guides at Quoir Academy! If you’ve ever deconstructed your faith you know it’s not easy. But just imagine if you could have people to guide you through your process? People like, Jim Palmer, Kristin Du Mez, Jennifer Knapp, Brad Jersak, Brian Zahnd, Paul Young , and more? Well, if you head over to Quoir Academy and register for SQUARE 2 using the Promo Code [RAD] you’ll get 10% off the regular registration cost of this awesome course and community just for being a fan of our show. Follow this registration link: https://www.bk2sq1.com/square-2-next-steps-into-reconstruction?coupon=RAD