We welcome the return of our friend Colby Martin, pastor, writer, coach, and LGBTQ+ advocate. This conversation leads off with a heartfelt and personal one-on-one conversation with Mark and Colby about the latter's work in fighting for LGBTQ+ inclusion and greater compassion within religious spaces, then once Kelly gets out of traffic, all 3 of us jump into the fray in a conversation that looks head-on at topics such as "Hate the Sin/Love the Sinner" and what it Really Means to LOVE your ENEMIES (yes, even that ONE guy.) Join us for a funny, authentic, real exploration of the spiritual issues that impact our everyday lives. Find your guides at Quoir Academy! If you?ve ever deconstructed your faith you know it?s not easy. But just imagine if you could have people to guide you through your process? People like, Jim Palmer, Kristin Du Mez, Jennifer Knapp, Brad Jersak, Brian Zahnd, Paul Young , and more? Well, if you head over to Quoir Academy and register for SQUARE 2 using the Promo Code [RAD] you?ll get 10% off the regular registration cost of this awesome course and community just for being a fan of our show. Follow this registration link: https://www.bk2sq1.com/square-2-next-steps-into-reconstruction?coupon=RAD