Map of Kuwait

The country has an area of 6,880 square miles and a population of 3.4 million, of whom 1 million are citizens and the rest foreign workers and their families. Estimates derived from voting records and personal status documents indicate that 70 percent of citizens, including the ruling family, belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. The national census did not distinguish between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims. Most of the remaining 30 percent of citizens are Shi'a Muslims. There are approximately 150 to 200 Christian citizens and a small number of Baha'i citizens. An estimated 100,000 noncitizen residents are Shi'a. While some areas have relatively high concentrations of Sunnis or Shi'a, most areas are fairly well integrated religiously.
The Christian population, consisting mostly of expatriates, is estimated to be more than 450,000. The Christian community includes the Roman Catholic Church, with 250,000 to 300,000 members worshipping in two official churches and a third worship facility in a rented house; the Coptic Orthodox Church (70,000 members), the National Evangelical (Protestant) Church with more than 70 congregations serving 40,000; the Armenian Orthodox Church with 4,000 members; the Greek Orthodox Church (referred to in Arabic as the Roman Orthodox Church) (3,500 members); the Greek Catholic (Melkite) Church with 1,000 to 2,000 members who worship in a rented house; and the Anglican (Episcopalian) Church (100 members), which also makes its church available to several thousand other Christians for worship services. There were also Latin, Maronite, Coptic Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Malabar, and Malankara congregations, which all worshipped at the Catholic cathedral in Kuwait City. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) has an estimated 70 members.
There are other unrecognized Christian religious groups, including the Indian Orthodox Syrian Church, Mar Thoma, and Seventh-day Adventists; reliable estimates of their numbers are not available.
There are also communities of Hindus (300,000 adherents), Buddhists (100,000), Sikhs (10,000), and Baha'i (400).

Population Population (2009 est.) 2,691,158
Religious Demographics Muslim 85% (Sunni 70%, Shi'a 30%), other (includes Christian, Hindu, Parsi) 15%
Ethnic Groups Ethnic Groups Kuwaiti 45%, other Arab 35%, South Asian 9%, Iranian 4%, other 7%
Languages Languages Arabic (official), English widely spoken
Country Flag Flag of Kuwait