4 Survival Keys to Discover Your Voice and Become More Intuitive (Audio)

4 Survival Keys to Discover Your Voice and Become More Intuitive (Audio) February 15, 2017

“What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.”~Collette (1873-1954)

Affirmation: Loving myself heals my life. Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

Audio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wickedhousewivesoncapecodradiont/2015/01/28/discover-your-voice-wauthor-kathleen-okeefe-kanavos

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Our Outer-voice, the used daily with strangers and loved ones, is a reflection of your Inner-voice, also known as Inner-guidance.  Do you trust your Inner-voice or do you consider it useless woo-woo, that interferes with logic? I spoke about inner-guidance, and dreams in depth on the Dr. Oz Show The Sixth Sense: Shocking Premonitions.

If you answered yes to the woo-woo part of the question, you are not alone.

But, are you missing an important component of your whole being? Your Inner-voice is connected to your Spirit, the part of you that remembers everything because it is eternal. So, might you be missing out on a fantastic resource for surviving the difficult choices you face on a daily basis for life?

Three ways to connect to Inner-guidance is through dreams, prayers and meditations. In the audio section of this multi-media article you are given a very short protection meditation using visualization. I use it nightly and find that I sleep much better than when I forget to do it. It is very shot but very powerful.

Use meditation any time you feel threatened or need to relax.

Please, do not listen to this meditation if yu are driving a car or handling equipment. If you are driving and need a meditation break, pull over into a rest area.

Validation is the key to guidance by Inner-voice. Your intuition loves to be tested by you because it is an opportunity for self-worth and self-belief. Watch for signs, symbols and proof-positive events during the day to verify your innate guidance. It may have been heard as that quiet inner-voice. You do not need to search for validation or make it fit a situation. There is no need to hammer a square peg into the round hole of life.  Validation will find you and fit perfectly into your life. Validation is individual.

An A-ha moment usually follows the moment-of-truth with the physical response of goose bumps. The next time you wonder if what you are thinking or feeling is correct check your arms for the tell-tale goose-bumps of validation.

Now that you know how to test your Inner-guidance, how can you use it to create a fulfilled and meaningful life? What has been gnawing at you in terms of truth? Do you have questions about your job, or a relationship you find challenging? Should you make a change in some aspect of your life? Perhaps you need a new car but are not sure which one to purchase.

Quiet your body and your mind will follow. Next ask your Higher-power your question. Voice your challenge. Then listen for that quiet Inner-voice followed by validation goose-bumps.

How often do we prayer for guidance but never listen or watch for the answer that may come from within.

For some of us, stepping outside our comfort zone of traditional prayer may be frightening. But try it. You may like it.


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About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos-three time cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness as seen on NBC News & Dr. Oz, TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ ,  Kat KanavosShow , Patheos, Quora, Medium, Internationally Syndicated  Columnist, Nautilus Award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and inner guidance. Contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul.  www.KathleenOkeefeKanavos.com

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