Oh, For the Love of Spock! Spirituality and Medicine

Oh, For the Love of Spock! Spirituality and Medicine March 13, 2017

Are you one of the thousands of parents who feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the different kinds of medicines and medical advice you are receiving from doctors, homeopaths, and other health practitioners? Then you will find pediatrician Dr. Kathi Kemper a breath of fresh air as she discusses your child’s holistic healthcare options in this VIDEO Interview.

The NAUTILUS Book Awards Author Spotlight features pediatrician Dr. Kathi Kemper. WATCH Dr. Kemper, called the “modern day Dr. Spock,” discuss your child’s Natural Health and Happiness on the Kat Kanavos Show Internet TV. http://bit.ly/2mNJ6Vj

Do you remember the amazing Spock? No, not the pointy-eared Vulcan named Mr. Spock on Star Trek. I mean the incredible Dr. Spock pediatrician on everyone’s mind  and in discussions around the dinner table during the 1940s.

If you are a Silent Generation or early Baby-boomer parent you may remember the amazing Dr. Spock with his book on correctly raising your children. Well, meet Dr. Kathi Kemper, the pediatrician who has been described by her fellow physicians and authors as the modern-day Dr. Spock

Dr. Benjamin McLane Spock born May 2, 1903 was an American pediatrician whose book Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, is one of the best-sellers of all time. The book’s premise to mothers is that “you know more than you think you do.”

His words empowered parents and gave them the confidence to trust in their parenting instincts.

Dr. Spock was the pediatrician everyone listened to and read about for three generations; the Silent Generation also known as the Greatest Generation and described as the happiest generation in America, whose parents were the G.I. Generation, was settling down to family life when Dr. Spock’s book was first published. The Baby Boomers born from 1946 to1964 picked up where their parents left off, and Generation X born from 1965 to 1980 referred to the book their parents and grandparents relied on to raise them. But, then times changed with the advent of the internet and all the information that flooded it. Some of it was good, but some was very questionable.

Will the Millennials born between 1980 and 2000 miss out on the parental confidence their parents, grandparents and in some cases great grandparents possessed? And as they continue to become parents in this ever changing world of health care, will they have no one to turn to for pediatric guidance?

Hope is here in the form of an amazing pediatrician who is also a parent.

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Dr. Kathi Kemper is the right doctor at the right time for the changes happening in pediatric care, especially concerning the next generation of parents, our Millennials.

Like Dr. Kemper, Millennials also focus on prevention in order to avoid needing a cure.

They are the generation who believe you are what you eat and become what you think. They believe in the mind, body, spirit connection and working together with your Inner-guidance.

Millennials seek a pediatrician who can go beyond Dr. Spock’s ground-breaking teachings.

During our time of over prescribed medications, there is a need for holistic pediatric care that focuses on mind, body and spirit, while empowering the parent again.  What goes around comes around.

Meet Dr. Kathi Kemper, the new doctor Dr. Spock in the pediatric playground.

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Dr. Kemper is the founding Director of the Center for Integrative Health and Wellness and a Professor of Pediatrics at the Ohio State University. She has served on the faculty of the University of Washington, Yale, and Harvard University, and has founded three academic Centers for Integrative Medicine: in Boston, North Carolina, and Ohio. She has also published over 170 peer-reviewed research papers and 4 books for the public (The Holistic Pediatrician; Mental Health Naturally; Addressing ADD Naturally) and most recently Authentic Healing which won a Nautilus Book Award.

Our current day Dr. Spock is recognized internationally as the founder of the field of integrative pediatrics, and is frequently consulted by media including the New York Times, Chicago TribuneNewsweek, ABC News, the Wall Street Journal, Redbook, and USA Today.

Dr. Kemper shares her insights from two points of view; that of a mother, and as a doctor whose information is based on scientific evidence, and spoken in a common sense language everyone can understand. She touches on the numerous recent advances in this medical field including alternative medicine to aid parents in dealing with the most common health problems confronting today’s youth.

From ear infections to anxiety, our modern day Dr. Spock known as Dr. Kathi Kemper will empower you to feel confident concerning all aspects of your children’s health.


Photo credit- Poster by author and used with guest’s permission

book cover used with guest’s permission



Kanavos_ISSUE - CroppedAbout the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos-three time cancer survivor whose guided dreams diagnosed her illness as seen on Dr. Oz, & NBC News, and detailed in her book Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing. She’s a Contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul, TV/Radio Host/Producer- Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ & the Nautilus Book Awards Spotlight on the Kat Kanavos Show, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy and Spiritual guidance.  www.KathleenOkeefeKanavos.com

Meta Tags –  Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, Patheos, Above and Beyond the 5 Senses, Surviving Cancerland

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