The Lords Pager

The Lords Pager April 27, 2003

The Shifted Librarian Reports “The following message won a competition sponsored by Ship of Fools, an Internet magazine, to rewrite teh Lord’s Prayer for the mobile phone using 160 characters or less.

dad@hvn,ur spshl.we want wot u want&urth2b like hvn.giv us food&4giv r sins lyk we 4giv uvaz.don’t test us!save us!bcos we kno ur boss,ur tuf&ur cool 4 eva!ok?”

This is a useful test of how young you are! If you understand all of it then your thumb is probably overdeveloped from too much texting and you are definitely younger than me, if you don’t understand any of it at all where have you been?

Incidently I havent been able to verify the source of this as there doesnt seem to be anything about it over at ship of fools.

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