Wise Blogging

Wise Blogging December 5, 2003

Bernard is commonly known: Some desire to know merely for the sake of knowing, and that is shameful curiosity. Some desire to know that they may sell their knowledge, and that too is shameful. Some desire to know for reputation’s sake, and that is shameful vanity. But there are some who desire to know that they may edify others, and that is praiseworthy; and there are some who desire to know that they themselves may be edified, and that is wise.

We could rephrase this- Some blog for the sake of blogging and that is pointless, some blog for the sake of hits and that is shameful pride, some blog thinking they will get rich by it and that is foolish greed. Some blog to instruct others, which is commendable. A few blog so that they can learn, and that is wise.

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