A Pastoral Response to Online Dating (Josh Harris)

A Pastoral Response to Online Dating (Josh Harris) May 17, 2007

A Pastoral Response to Online Dating (Josh Harris). The balanced wisdom of the guys from Covenant Life Church is a real blessing. I commend this article written for members of their own church for all struggling with the issue of singleness and whether online dating is the answer. The last time I wrote about online dating, I speculated that blogging might lead to relationships that arose in a more natural way. Not sure if anyone out there would care to share any stories of love found in a comment box — or is that still a vision of the future that has yet to come?

Mind you, actual open courting on the Internet via the blogs is perhaps not a good idea. One blogger I know recently declared his secret crush for a certain other female Christian blogger in a blog post — I think it was perhaps a bit tongue-in-cheek as otherwise it was really rather risky!

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