Terry Virgo Starts a Blog

Terry Virgo Starts a Blog May 11, 2007

Terry Virgo has started a blog. Although I’ve known about it for awhile, I waited until now to tell you about it. He has written his fourth post, and it seems that he’s got the blogging bug — already I’m enjoying his writings there greatly.

Today’s post is entitled God on a Mountain. Speaking first about Jesus healing thousands on top of a mountain, Terry mentions Mel Gibson’s The Passion before bringing us back to the mountain:

“… Recently I watched Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion again, and for me the most wonderful moment in the movie is when Mary rushes to Jesus who is struggling under the weight of the cross. She is filled with compassion. He looks at her and triumphantly says, ‘I am making all things new.’ Watching the movie alone, I shouted and wept.

Jesus, thoroughly focused, paying the full price, was going to restore Eden and bring in a new creation.

I guess the thousands on the top of the mountain with God had a foretaste of the glorious eternal kingdom that Jesus has inaugurated. We are part of that kingdom. Let’s keep on enjoying Him and working with Him to make all things new for the glory of God.”

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