Comments switched on after a break of over three years. Your chance to answer back

Comments switched on after a break of over three years. Your chance to answer back March 17, 2011

I am very grateful to God for the numbers of you that faithfully keep coming back to this blog and reading. Till now, unless you are on Twitter there has been no easy way to allow you a voice. Now that Facebook have introduced a new commenting system, I have decided to trial this for a while and see how it goes. One thing I like about this system is that commentators are risking their online Facebook reputation by what they say, and as a result I trust will be wise in what they say. The anonymous comments that can bedevil other systems should hopefully be less of a problem! Anyway, I am a little nervous about this, but we will see how it goes, I can always pull the plug.

So, to make use of this first comments box, why don’t you take the opportunity to introduce yourself, say where in the world you are from, and what kind of church you attend if you do?

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