Is there a risk that experience of the Holy Spirit becomes self-indulgent and introspective?

Is there a risk that experience of the Holy Spirit becomes self-indulgent and introspective? March 22, 2011

Here are some extracts from another video from Terry Virgo on the Holy Spirit. Virgo now has a podcast and vodcast which includes all these interview clips:

“The Holy Spirit is there to glorify Jesus. . . that is always going to have an expansive element to it. Glorifying Jesus isn’t just a handful people shutting the doors closing their eyes and experiencing his presence. Glorifying him has got to affect the nation the culture and on and on to the ends of the earth. . . Often it’s the prophetic that stimulates us . . .to move on and move out. . .The Holy Spirit present in power is something totally other. We need to press through. Individuals need to be encouraged, you can be filled with the Spirit. I would rarely simply lay hands on someone, I would always say “if you want to receive the Spirit lets open the scriptures together, lets see why you should think you will receive. On what basis you receive, so people’s faith and understanding is rooted in the Bible, if they say yes I’m ready I will lay hands on them. We must lead people into being filled with the Spirit.”

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