Tweets from 2011-10-08

Tweets from 2011-10-08 October 8, 2011
  • RT @byHannahDavis: "Joy unspeakable and full of glory! And you have to wear armor as well. That's the Christian life." – @TerryVirgo #
  • Why do Christians speak about the cross all year round but the resurrection only at Easter? Belief in the resurrection saves us. #
  • Some people mistakenly thought @terryvirgo was retiring this summer. Check out his hectic calendar on his website to see how wrong that is! #
  • A weekend spent with family is a precious gift. Don't squander it like I so often have in the past. Get quality time with the ones you love. #
  • @DougWeaver75 I agree Biblically "the cross" is a synecdoche to include resurrection. Many don't get that so I wrote Raised With Christ in reply to DougWeaver75 #
  • @DougWeaver75 absolutely. I have a chapter on all this in my book in reply to DougWeaver75 #

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