Introducing a new comment system and getting to know you better

Introducing a new comment system and getting to know you better May 8, 2013

I realized recently that I totally missed the ten year anniversary of this blog! I would love to take the opportunity that such an anniversary  provides to get to know some of your better. I have a new discussion system in place to help facilitate that.

I am pleased to announce that Disqus has been activated on my blog to replace my old comments system.  There are a number of advantages to using this system.  Firstly it allows you to track all your comments in one place and see who has replied to them. Secondly, it allows all of us to see comments you have made on other blog sites that use this system, and does this in a verified way so nobody can impersonate you.

Thirdly, it allows you to easily “follow” people whose comments you are interested in.  Fourthly, it allows you to see which posts here are prompting a lot of conversation.  Trust me you are going to love it!

For me, one really nice thing is it will give me a chance to get to know more of my readers.  For maximum benefit there are a few things that I’d like to ask you to do:

  1. Post a comment on this post, and introduce yourself.  First sign in using Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, or a Disqus account if you already have one. Please tell me a bit about yourself, where you are from, what kind of church you attend (if any), how long you have been reading, and perhaps what other blogs you like reading.  A simple “Hi!” is OK too.  Please also share your comment via Twitter or Facebook by clicking “share.”
  2. Make sure you claim your old comments which have already been imported.  The key here is that you need to change your email address on Disqus to match whichever email you used to comment here previously. Follow the instructions here: Merging Service Profiles and Claiming Gu… | DISQUS.  You should change the address one by one to all email accounts you may have used to comment anywhere else that you still have access to. This will consolidate your comments in one place. It will take some time for the merge to complete and be visible on the site.
  3. Experiment with “following” other commentators, which you can only do once their comments have been claimed by them.
  4. Explore what you can do with the tabs that appear at the top of each comment stream: The first allows you to sort comments by age or quality which is influenced by number of replies and votes up or down. The “community” tab will show you the top discussions and commenters here. “My Disqus” will show you discussions from people you are following.


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