The God who never quits: Philippians 1:6

The God who never quits: Philippians 1:6 January 2, 2016

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Was reading Philippians 1:6 this morning, and was very encouraged.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

READ more on this verse at Bible Gateway.


On this second day of they year, perhaps you’ve already failed to keep your New Years resolutions! But God never fails to keep his. And he has resolved to work in and for is! We are unreliable. He is reliable.

We falter and fall all the time. We stumble out way through life. Our faith is besieged at times by doubts. Our righteous acts are defeated at times by resurgent sin. Our decision to follow Jesus is compromised by the lure of the pleasures of the World. If our faith is in our weak selves then we have no hope.

But thanks be to God, HE has promised to complete the work he has started in us! Our hope is in him and his constancy. He never changes. Never relents. Never gives up. And he is working in us! What encouragement.

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