Adventures in Wortcunning: Witch, as in Craft

Adventures in Wortcunning: Witch, as in Craft October 21, 2016

It’s Witch as in Craft, not some horrey old hag
With a wart on her nose and a dress like a rag

‘Witch’ like ‘Wizard’ means knowing and wise
To percieve intuition and observe the skies

Think hedgerows and gardens and gathering flowers
Of harvesting plants and learning their powers

a woman crowned with twigs gazing upwards
RondellMelling /

It’s late nights of research and focused intent
Persuit of the Secrets without relent

A craft much like stitchery, improving with skill
To speak as we do and say what we will

This life is a gift, so consider its end
Each precious moment, the Present we spend

a bejeweled woman
sabinemondestin /

Religions all change, and have through the Ages
This learning is older, belonging to Sages

Every one uses quantum to some small degree
Tis not belief, but a tool, so you see

Lore handed down by old men and Grandmothers
Arcane science ‘n myth becomes Magick for others

a woman stands in front of a ladder gazing at the camera
xusenru /

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