Restless Souls

Restless Souls April 13, 2014

True crime network Investigation Discovery dabbles in the paranormal space the month of April.  The new crime special Restless Souls,which airs Monday, April 14, at 9/8c, takes a look at the 2004 murder mystery of Ashley Howley. After reporting a break-in at her Columbus, Ohio, apartment, Howley disappeared — and her case grew cold. But a year later in Michigan, psychic medium Kristy Robinett says she was awakened by the ghost of Howley and  helped police eventually locate Howley’s grave.  She soon realizes that it’s not just the living who need to heal.

Restless Souls goes beyond the grave to investigate murder like ID has never done before, with help from the victim herself,” says Investigation Discovery general manager Kevin Bennett. “By crossing our signature true-crime programming with this paranormal investigation, we expand beyond the traditional crime-solving techniques and demonstrate how real people have found closure in the deaths of their loved ones through alternate means.”

Kristy hopes that through Ashley’s story, someone else’s life might be saved, and she believes that Ashley would want the same. “I honestly believe that this show isn’t exploiting Ashley’s story,” Kristy states. “There is a a deeper message and I was happy to see that they included it. I firmly believe Ashley would want her story told in order to try and save another. Her story, while painful because of the loss of an innocent person, shouldn’t cause pain to anyone – her killer, Bobby, did that, but it gives her the voice to speak up. The voice  that she didn’t have before.

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, and the statistics are grim. One in four women will experience domestic abuse of some sort in her lifetime, and many won’t even know that it is abuse, especially if there are no bruises, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. No one should live in fear of the person they love. Abusers use a variety of ways to make a person feel helpless from Humiliation, Isolation, Threats, Intimidation and Blame, non of which equates to true love. One such person was Melinda, who spoke of her abuse in Not Broken, but Brave. She could’ve been another statistic, but she found hope, even when there wasn’t any.

If you need assistance, there are several sites and hotlines that you can call, such as National Domestic Violence (1800-799-SAFE). You can also donate to help those in tough situations – many of which don’t have the money or the means to go to a safe place. HAVEN – a nationally recognized nonprofit leader that provides comprehensive solutions and innovative programs to promote violence-free homes and communities. They are also a group of compassionate, dedicated and determined people who are working toward a common goal.

April 14th watch Kristy Robinett on Restless Souls on the Investigation Discovery (ID Network).



Kristy Robinett


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