Are You an Energy Invader?

Are You an Energy Invader? April 6, 2015

Even with the society that we live in that urges us to detail our every movement in front of millions of strangers, I do tend to be a private person. Not that I am hiding some deep, dirty secret, and maybe it is just the Scorpio trait in me to keep some things a bit of a mystery, but I don’t believe that everybody needs to know everything about everybody. I also believe it is a two way street. Now, you might find that a bit laughable being in the profession that I am where I hold the key to the skeletons in the closet, but when I do readings, I actually ask if I touch into a subject or area that is too sensitive to let me know. I don’t want to be a space (or energy) invader.

Several years ago I was doing readings at a party when a lady sat in front of me for her turn. She looked frightened of me and I reassured her that I wouldn’t bite, but that statement would turn around and bite me. As soon as I began the reading, the energy of a baby came through. The baby was crying, holding her hands out, as if the lady was her mother and it was then that I realized that the baby had been killed years before. This lady, when she was just a young girl had hid the pregnancy and had the baby in her bedroom. As I began, she denied it furiously, angry that I could ever suggest such a thing. But I knew that I was right. And I knew that she suffered and the message was not of acceptance of what this lady had done, but instead a message that she needed to forgive herself so that she could go on to become whole again – because she was about to be a mom again. I was excited to share, but she ran out of the reading, sobbing and spewing awful things at me, while I sat there stunned, tears coming down my own face. Readings are not supposed to hurt, but heal and I did the exact thing that I said I would not do; I went into a subject that to her was taboo. I should’ve let it go. It wasn’t about me proving that I was right (or wrong), it was about her and I messed up. 

Now this is a drastic example, but I have seen way too many people, in all industries, butt in without asking and become a space invader. Giving out advice to someone who hasn’t asked for it goes against privacy and it can actually sting and injure one’s energy by doing this. Your advice will be much more effective if asked, but otherwise don’t be a space invader. Just as I won’t go up to someone in a mall and start reading for them, I don’t want anybody to come up to me and read me without permission or request; whether it be a friend, acquaintance or stranger, well intention or not. A photographer should not take a picture without first receiving authorization or consent (we know all too well that with Smart Phones this happens often). An author doesn’t want criticism on their manuscript from someone that isn’t qualified to give that criticism; whether constructive or not. You may mean well, but check to see if possibly your intentions may have had everything to do with ego; a toot of your own horn. Don’t be a space invader. 

So before you open your mouth, send that email, that message or text recognize that you are dipping into someone’s energy – and think first to see if you are being that space invader. 


Kristy Robinett

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