New Month Oracle

New Month Oracle June 1, 2017

Below are 6 cards from Steven Farmer’s EARTH MAGIC Oracle Deck. The backs are all the same, but by using your intuition choose one of the cards that calls out most to you. This is what you will need to work on this month. Take a deep breath in and out. Don’t second guess yourself – just choose. By trusting your own intuition, taking the advice, and following through on the actions you will be amazed by your life outcome – more fulfillment in all areas. Sure, it isn’t easy, but well worth it in the end. Aren’t you worth that? Aren’t you worth starting a new phase by embracing you and your knowing? Later I will turn the cards around and share the message that you chose. Which card do you choose? <Feel free to share with your friends>


Which card speaks to you?



Your card is…

icebergCard #1 – ICEBERG – SUBMERGED – Whatever you suppress or deny and attempt to keep out of conscious awareness will show up somewhere and somehow as your shadow aspects. At one time you put them out of your consciousness for good reason, yet they remain contained by shame and guilt. Now is the time to allow these elements to surface and embrace them, whether they are perceived as positive or negative.

You’ve allowed yourself to hide away feelings, emotions, needs and even dreams. It is now time to take the steps to uncover all that which you’ve been storing in order to move forward. Release the guilt. Stop beating yourself up.

rainbowCard #2 – RAINBOW – BLESSINGS – The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of this cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the “brighter side” adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal.

This ever-evolving process of Life itself is a blessing – and opportunity to exist as a human being on Earth. The planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not always appear to be so. Sometimes it is only when you look back at a memory of an experience that you can truly see the blessings that have come from them. Bless your difficult or painful experiences and let them go.

springequinoxCard #3 –SPRING EQUINOX – REBIRTH –  You thought this passage you have been through would never end. Just as certain that the light of the world fades every few months, it makes it return, and the Earth rejoices. The fresh breath of spring sweeps away the cobwebs acquired from the absence of the light. The light is now obviously increasing as nature begins to emerge in all her many forms, shapes, and colors that remind us of the continual cycles of Earth Mother.

This cycle of rebirth you are experiencing follows a considerably challenging time. Any tears you may have shed have cleared the way for what has been gestating, which is now ripe and ready to emerge. That which no longer serves you needs t be put to rest so that a freshness and newness of spirit can make itself known to you.

crystalsCard #4 – CRYSTALS – FOCUS – It is time to bring your complete focus to the subject of your inquiry. Eliminate all distractions, and give this your undivided attention. Whether this is a project, relationship, or simply a relaxing time spent walking in nature, be fully present to the situation. This sharpening of focus will expand your awareness and allow your inner guidance to penetrate your consciousness, which can then be parlayed into appropriate action.

By being focused with crystal clarity, you are in the flow of your life force and, in fact, have become one with it. It is not a hyper-vigilant or tension-filled state, but one of relaxed attention. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart focused on that which you need to pay attention to, and miracles can be created. To paraphrase a fictional elder, “Use the Force” and use it in life-enhancing ways.

nurturingCard #5 – GAIA – NURTURING   You are a powerful light worker. You may be wondering what your life purpose is, and dear one you are here to help heal the Earth. You may have noticed that you pick up on other’s energies and sometimes you get overwhelmed and tire easily. It is important to know that you have to nurture yourself as well.

Consider the actions you take that are self-nurturing. What comes to your mind when you really think about doing beneficial things for yourself? Set aside your ritualized habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart, and soul to be nurtured. Lie on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care.

You may want to look into studying aromatherapy, energy healing, psychology, environmental science or the medical field. It doesn’t necessarily have to be formal training.

meadowCard #6 – MEADOW – VULNERABILITY – You are in a place now where you can take risks with your feelings, and even more important, take risks with the truth of who you are – the truth you know in your heart and soul. You no longer need to be subjected to your conditional fears of letting others know who you really are.

Yes, others may judge, evaluate, criticize, and perhaps even put you down. These are very real possibilities. Yet by trusting that you have the strength to deal with these reactions – rather than responding adaptively and always playing it safe – you can more confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from expressing your truth can create an illusion of safety, but armed with your trust and your faith, you can choose to be vulnerable and share your authentic self with the world.

I love these Oracle Cards by Steve Farmer and I hope you found insight. To purchase your deck visit here.


Kristy Robinett

Author of several books. Visit Amazon to see upcoming releases.

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