June 10, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Father James Bradley, a Catholic priest in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and an Anglican convert to the Catholicism. Father Bradley, a former Anglican priest, joins us to explain how he and his Anglican congregation joined the Catholic Church, en masse, through the Anglican Ordinariate opened up by Pope Benedict XVI. We discuss the importance of full communion with the Catholic Church, the structure of authority and... Read more

June 3, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Catholic apologist and author Gary Michuta to talk about how the Bible was put together and why modern Catholic Bibles are bigger than their Protestant counterparts? Did Catholics add books to the Bible? Did Protestants take books out? What exactly is the Apocrypha? How do we know which books belong in the first place and, really, what evidence is there that the books accepted by Catholics were the right ones?... Read more

May 28, 2020

This week on the podcast I was privileged to speak to Bishop Thomas Dowd of the Archdiocese of Montreal, Canada. It was an interview I’d been looking forward to on a topic that has prompted lots of listener feedback: Apostolic Succession. Apostolic Succession? It would’ve have even been in my vocabulary as a Evangelical but its importance to Catholicism, and historic Christianity, cannot be overstated. Maybe you’ve heard this before: the Early Church was made up of groups of Christians,... Read more

May 27, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Bishop Thomas Dowd of the Archdiocese of Montreal to discuss incredibly important topic of apostolic succession. Listen, and learn how the Catholic Church traces its authority, its succession of bishops, right back to the charge which Jesus gave his followers to “bind and loose.” Plus, we talk about the Jewish roots of the priesthood and why it’s important to have a body of bishops which can authoritatively explain the Bible... Read more

May 20, 2020

For those that don’t know the story of my conversion to the Catholic faith it centres, like many similar stories, around the issue of authority. This week I had the privilege of sitting down and talking to yet another convert who had a conversion experience similar to mine. Sonja Corbitt was a Southern Baptist, through and through. She loved her Scriptures—in fact, she led a popular Bible study group at the Baptist church where she and her husband served in... Read more

May 20, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by the incredibly personable Sonja Corbitt, the Bible Study Evangelista, to talk about her journey out of her strong Southern Baptist roots and into the Catholic Church. It’s an incredible story that touches on what happens when her deep, deep love of Scripture slams head on into issues of authority, interpretation, and church splits. Plus, we talk about Mary, the Early Church, and Martin Luther’s use of curse words. For... Read more

May 12, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by Father Gregory Merkley, a diocesan priest of the Diocese of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. We talk about Father Greg’s spiritual journey, the blessing of the priesthood, and the incredible impact that the sacraments have had on his life. Father Gregory was baptized Catholic, fell into practical atheism, and was eventually led back into the Catholic Church where his faith was absolutely set on fire–and eventually called him into the... Read more

May 6, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by two guests from the National Center for Padre Pio in Barton, PA, USA. Nick Gibboni is the Executive Director of the Center and Vera Marie Calandra, Vice President, and daughter of the founders of the National Center. We discuss all things Padre Pio–my favourite saint–including his miraculous life, his incredible charisms and abilities, and the example that this holy saint has left behind for us Catholic Christians to emulate... Read more

April 29, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by author, evangelist, and pilgrimage guru Steve Ray to talk about the biblical roots of the papacy. Steve should know, as a convert to Catholicism himself he’s written two fantastic books on the subject. We discuss the Old Testament precedent for the pope, evidence from Scripture and history, and why we need a pope at all. It’s a great conversation to share with your friends! For more from Steve, check... Read more

April 23, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I’m joined by evangelist, speaker, and author John LaBriola to talk about how to pray for our friends and family who have left the Catholic Church. We discuss John’s brand new book No Soul Left Behind: How to Pray for Your Loved Ones Who Have Left the Churchwhich is an absolutely fantastic resource for praying for our non-Catholic Christian friends and family or those that were raised Catholic and left the Church.... Read more

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