Nine Lessons for New Converts/Reverts to Islam

Nine Lessons for New Converts/Reverts to Islam June 18, 2013

8. Be careful of whom you marry

There are plenty of examples of successful interracial and intercultural marriages, and most converts will marry someone who is not of the same ethnic background.  However, I will say this: you are more American than you probably realize, and even if a man or woman has been living in this country for decades, if they grew up in a Muslim country, you are going to have some major differences in terms of expectations, mannerisms, and how you think and process things.

While racism is completely prohibited in Islam, a person who marries a Muslim from another country will face challenges directly related race and/or culture. If you’re a woman, you may be especially vulnerable to being put in a position where you are expected to sacrifice aspects of your identity, especially because you are the one coming from a non-Muslim background.  This is not to say that this is always the case, but it is a common problem that converts face when marrying, so it’s something to keep in mind.

Next: You can be American, Muslim, whatever you want.

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