A Hermeneutic of Suspicion: What It Is and, Why You Should Be Suspicious if You’re Not Already…

A Hermeneutic of Suspicion: What It Is and, Why You Should Be Suspicious if You’re Not Already… April 28, 2018

The Work of a Magician…

In this day and age, nobody wants to know how the trick is done; we want to live in and with the allusion that it’s still magic.

It’s all fun and games until you realize these forms of “trickery” are not as innocent as we once thought.

If you can control the framework, you can also control meaning (e.g. symbols of power, credibility, and as stated above, definitions of terms). This is important because these things make up how we perceive the world, how we think of ourselves, and how we treat others…

I’ll conclude with this and pick back on the solution in another post (this upcoming Wednesday)… but, ask yourself, was who you voted for (or didn’t vote for) based off of a decision impacted by the morals handed down to you by religion?

[Until next time, hit me up on Facebook to follow along with future content of mine]


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