Your Weekend Astrology Romance Forecast, January 20-22, 2017

Your Weekend Astrology Romance Forecast, January 20-22, 2017 January 19, 2017

weekends romance 2The two major aspects affecting your human relations this weekend are Mars square Saturn and Venus sextile Pluto. If you’re in an existing relationship where things have been rocky of late, Mars square Saturn is a fantastic opportunity for one or both of you to lose your temper, say and/or do something stupid, and generally make things worse. Oh, wait, you think that sounds like a bad idea? Well then: watch yourself, and beware over-reacting to your partner’s failings.

Meanwhile, for those of you who like your relationships to actually work smoothly, Venus sextile Pluto can also increase your drama levels, but in a much nicer and easier-to-handle way. Venus is all about the sweetness, and Pluto provides a little spice.

Come to think of it: this entire weekend seems loaded for possibilities of dramatic break-ups with one person and sudden get-togethers with someone else. How… exciting…?

FRIDAY: The Moon is in Scorpio, which lends extra passion to any situation (good or bad) you might be facing. If nothing else, a nice round of sex might help you dissipate the tension between you and a partner. Moon in Scorpio loves using sex as a solution.

SATURDAY: The Moon is still in Scorpio, but turns Void of Course at 8:24 PM Eastern/5:24 PM Pacific and stays that way until early Sunday morning. So the situation is still passionate, but don’t try to start up anything new, or expect particularly lasting results.

SUNDAY: All that smouldering Scorpio passion sounds like a good time, but if you prefer a bouncy good time then Moon in Sagittarius will make your Sunday a lot more rollicking. With the Sun freshly entered into Aquarius, this might be a great day for a meet-and-greet.

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