Hello Again!

Hello Again! October 27, 2014

Hello there. I’m coming back from my second break in a year. Thanks for being patient with me. What have I been up to?

*Mourning the loss of my spiritual teacher.

*Attending the Dandelion Seed Conference. It was excellent. So magical, so informative, so welcoming. People come from as far away as southern Oregon and British Columbia. If you are in the Pacific Northwest, I highly recommend attending!


*Celebrating Diwali. It was a quiet affair for us. We put an altar outside and created feet to guide Lakshmi to our house. I also held a puja at my altar. (I apologize for the weak camera phone pictures.)


*Reading for fun, mostly silly novels.

*Dealing home ownership stuff.

*Getting more exercise.

*Preparing for the next turn of the Wheel and returning to writing. I’ll be back this week with a book review!

I hope you are well. See you soon.

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