Pantheacon is Approaching Fast!

Pantheacon is Approaching Fast! February 8, 2015

It’s that time again, my friends! Pantheacon time! This is how I feel: yay

I don’t get many vacations, so PCon fills that space. Sure, it’s a working vacation, in the sense that I also take notes for future blog posts, try to keep my finger on the pulse of what is happening in the Pagan world, and network about various things. But the trip also fills many other personal cups for me too. I get to see friends and allies that I might go years without seeing. I get to attend ritual, ritual that I am not responsible for. I get an opportunity to learn and experience new things (as I always try to go to at least one thing I know nothing about).

Last year I was pregnant and made efforts to attend as much as possible. This year I am not pregnant, but will be bringing the baby.* I won’t be attending quite as much, but I hope to make more time and space to connect with people in hospitality suites and the in between spaces. My husband, Adam, is coming and we’ll be sharing baby responsibilities, making sure we both get our cups filled. You’ll know Adam because he’s the tall, bald, bearded white guy with glasses – and likely a baby.

This year is a big year for me in many ways, and one of those ways is happening at PCon. I’m appearing on my panel here! I’ll be speaking at The Good, the Bad, and the Blogging, happening Friday the 13th (whee!) at 1.30 in the Carmel/Monterrey room. Come listen to several of us Patheos writers talk about the struggles of blogging about spirituality in general and for a for-profit company in particular.

In the past the scheduling at PCon has been heavy on Feri tradition offerings. This year I can’t find anything specifically Feri, but I do see some great witchcraft and polytheist offerings. Every year I attend the Kali Puja and I am excited to attend it again this year. I will also be participating in Ekklesia Antinou’s Lupercalia/Parentalia ritual on Sunday afternoon. That covers the “something brand new to me” category!

If you’ll be there, feel free to stop me and say hi; I’ll be the short brunette with glasses and a red headed baby on my person. Or send me a message via my Facebook page. See you all soon!


*If you love babies, awesome! Please do not touch the baby without express permission, though. She’s 9 months old and too young for the MMR (measles) vaccines. Yes, I know that’s airborn, but I want to be careful about ‘Con crud too. I will have hand sanitizer with me, so that’s an option if you want a cuddle. She and I have both had our flu shots. She’s still nursing, so I can’t leave her at home. Why bring her to a Con then? Well, our chances are no better at home, as we live in a community with a rather low vaccination rate.





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