The Botanic Garden in Dublin

The Botanic Garden in Dublin June 27, 2017


The Botanic Garden in Dublin was one of the first places we went, having gotten on our feet, May 19th, not least because my wife is a botanist and a flower lover, and besides, the Garden is right next to the famous Grave Digger’s pub, which in turn is next to the famous Dublin cemetery where many an Irish bard lies resting, e.g. W.B. Yeats, and where better to put a pub than next to the entrance to the cemetery, so right after the funeral you can go in and drown your sorrows. Here are some shots from the garden.


The thing is, with the Gulf stream creeping up the West coast of Ireland, the climate is temperate (45- to 75F), and because of the frequent rain, most anything will grow there. They hardly ever have real snow or extended frozen conditions. ei22ei21ei20ei19

What helps all this growth is also very fertile soil in many places. The Emerald Isle is a garden paradise.

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