Will Nashville Be the Birthplace of a New Revival in the United States?

Will Nashville Be the Birthplace of a New Revival in the United States? June 9, 2015

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I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write here for the last few weeks and I have to share something that has been on my mind for more than a few years. About six years ago my husband felt that the Lord was speaking to him about moving us out of California and someplace else. It’s a long story how that came about, but needless to say, after waiting on the Lord for a few years my husband approached me and asked if I would be willing to move out of California. After I told him I would, we started to think about where to go and mutually decided to move to Tennessee because we both have family here.

Fast forward a few more years and my husband and I arrived in Tennessee at the end of 2012. Now here’s where it gets interesting. Before we left California my husband had to quit a very high paying job, sell his shares in a partnership he was in and literally step out in faith that we would have an income. At the same time, I had been doing some contract work with a few different people and all of a sudden that work dried up, and I laid aside a career in counseling because I saw the move in the field of psychology to approve of homosexuality and say that therapists were eventually going to be banned from helping those with unwanted same sex attraction. I knew I couldn’t compromise on this, so I stepped out of the field and pursued ministry full time, and did that for a guaranteed income of zero dollars.

After we arrived in Tennessee we promptly got ripped off,by a “Christian” contractor and, as a result, lost a lot of our savings and pretty much have been stripped down financially to where we’re living on about a quarter of the income that we had been previously in California and interestingly, about half the median income that everyone else in this area lives on.

I share this because it’s not everyday that you hear people say that they left a land they knew, set aside a huge income that they were used to, in exchange for walking by faith and seeing what God is up to.

My husband and I have longed for revival and we’ve been tired of the way church is done and run here in America. At heart we’re missionaries, which is why I don’t think I’ve ever fit or honestly fully been welcome in the local church. There’s just too much programming in the local church. I actually do mean programming in the truest sense of the word.

I’ve felt alone in all of this. Very much like a stranger in a foreign land, but then something amazing started to happen.

Over the last few years, as we’ve been here in Tennessee, my husband and I have both been independently meeting people, in various places, and at various times, who have almost the exact same story we have. For some the Lord started to speak to them eight years ago and for others it was only a few years ago. What’s been interesting though, is that we all have the same story. We were called to leave high paying jobs, and follow the Lord, and live in faith, to a land that we never knew and for a guaranteed income of zero.

The other interesting thing that we all have in common is that we have all been directed to the middle of the bible belt to cities that we didn’t even know existed. I can tell you that I had never heard of the city I live in, until I saw a house listed that we could afford.

Another weird thing is that whenever I happen to be connected with these other believers, we all have a sense that here in the Nashville area, the Lord is making this area a city of refuge.

Now you may be wondering, why would there have to be a city of refuge here in America? To be honest, I can’t tell you exactly why, but I do believe that there is persecution coming to America and I believe that there is also revival coming to America.

This morning I had another encounter, with another believer, who I had never met until today and again, I had this exact same conversation and what this sister in the Lord shared with me is that Nashville is a city of music and that right before there were battles in the Old Testament that the Lord was going to fight, God brought out his musicians as the first line of defense. Think about what happened in Jericho.

I was also told that Nashville could be the place where a nationwide revival for America may take place. I think we might have to wait and see, but I have to say that it is very interesting to me, that the Lord has been moving people out of their jobs and bringing them here to Tennessee.

The heart of the genuine church in America is crying out for revival. There are secret prayer meetings taking place and people are studying the scriptures and taking seriously their commitment to Jesus first. I want you to know, that if you are someone who is longing for revival and if you are someone who is thirsting for change, I believe it’s coming to America. Maybe it will begin in Nashville or maybe it won’t, all I can tell you is that there is something definitely happening and I’m excited to see what God has in store.

Share with me if you have had a similar experience or know of others who have. I’m very interested in learning if there are other areas of the nation where God is intentionally bringing His people. If so, I think we could be on the verge of something awesome!


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