
Stress August 24, 2017

We often think of stress as something that happens to us, something out there that is disturbing our peace of mind. But is this accurate?

I’m getting ready to move and it’s stressful, as moving always is. It seems like there’s an overwhelming mountain of things that need to get done and I’m worrying about all that could go wrong. I’m doing this to myself.

It’s not really about what’s happening. It’s about my reaction to it. What I have is just a list of things to be done and it feels really long right now. But the truth is it’s not long. Everything I have to do is just one thing at a time. So, when we feel overwhelmed and stressed out about our to do lists, we can panic and get stressed out, or we can be mindful and aware of what’s happening.

We can just put one foot in front of the other and simply experience what we’re doing.

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