Dear Third Way: You Just Don't Get It.

Dear Third Way: You Just Don't Get It. January 16, 2009

A group of “conservatives, liberals and moderates” (not so much if you read the list) recently got together with Obama to discuss a “Third Way.” Their aim: to end the culture wars. On most issues, they get it right, but on the issue of life, they just don’t get it:

Reducing abortion through common-ground policies, including contraceptives for low-income women, comprehensive and age-appropriate sex ed, adoption support, and better Medicaid coverage for pregnancy.

The culture wars will never end as long as there is an all out war against the unborn. As long as the right to kill your baby is protected by our government, attempts to educate, encourage adoption and provide better insurance coverage fall horrifically short.

via “Third Way” presents agenda to end the culture wars. – By Alisa Harris. – Patrol Magazine.

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